Boot and the Bonnet Search

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Change your plans and then phone me

LoFi Phone Mic

I decided to make one of these telephone mics after watching bands like Japanther or Flagstaff's own Emowars use them. These bands got their tele's from payphones making them badass. I went out and bought one from Goodwill for $2. Mine differs in that I tried to use both parts of the headset for mics by using two separate plugs connected to each. This proved difficult in that the actual mouthpiece doesn't function yet. After asking some people I'm thinking the wires need to be active for that speaker and will require me to hook a battery to the circuit; like this fellas: TELE-MIC INSTRUCTABLES.

Though I'm happy with what I got now, it works great. To hear it listen to "Sorry Sari" on Chwelve's CLLCT page.
